Ellas y Yo
Fousion Gallery
C/ Comerç 15b
08003 Barcelona
Opening Reception:
25 of January, 7–10pm
Ellas y yo.
Dos momentos, dos proyectos, dos sentimientos.
An individual exhibition by Txemy Basualto.
This exhibition is composed, on one hand, of a series of five paintings that follow a line developed for over 10 years. These pieces are the result of reflections and previous works, born out of my admiration for classical masterpieces where the portrait and the nude female body are strong protagonists. This brought me face to face with myself and led me to reflect through my influences: the women who have accompanied and educated me along the way—my mother, sister, aunts, cousins, friends, partner, and lastly, in an unexpected manner: my daughter.
Marked by an education based on patriarchal principles, I reflect on the inheritance I have received, on this painting that unveils nudes and female portraits. I confront myself and my own feelings.
It is a collection of works in which I am pleased to observe an evolution both personally and pictorially.
On the other hand, I present my current state through this series of works synthesized with horizontal and vertical forms, leading to a new path in the search for personal and pictorial balance. Music and its energy exert a direct influence on the decisions made before execution, with the consequent compositional result. Diagonals disrupt the horizontal-vertical balance to enjoy a sharp language. The composer and friend Perdi Rominger influences my work through his sonic abstraction. This fusion between music and painting allows both arts to grow together. First one, then the other, and vice versa, the taken decisions shape a path that makes the pieces appear different when composed, with an identity. I try to reduce saturation in my work amidst the invasion of images we endure through social media. A need for calmness, a struggle of stain and synthesis. Handmade stretchers, linens cut against the usual grain, and a simple line running across a narrow stretcher, emphasize the artisanal character and production, endowing the works, as a whole, with a unique value. It is not an exhibition that follows a single language. I always aim to discover and challenge myself through simple elements, where challenges are important, as well as feelings and anger. A battle between synthesis, intuitive stain, and color.