The Expulsion of the Limbo
Fousion Gallery
C/ de la Carassa 4
08003 Barcelona
Fousion Gallery proudly presents and invites to the upcoming 10 years special – Pop Surrealism group show The Expulsion of the Limbo
Discussing "The Expulsion of the Limbo" we have invited recognized international artist who will showcase a fine selection of their artistic work towards the theme. The theme, in reality, is a philosophical reflection about the some year old case, that the catholic church officially announced that Limbo does not exist anymore. So the question is now, where all those souls will leave to… all those angels, hybrids and all those who have not had a space in hell or paradise, all those who inspired artists for hundreds of years, theologians, historians and writers and the phantasies of many people. It seemed to be a place of infinity & hope for the innocence, divines, a alternative conducted space which now closes its doors…
- Peca
- Dilka Bear
- Miss Van
- Bruno Pontiroli
- Juan José Surace
- Mono Cieza
- Encarni Diaz
- Corine Perier
- Juliah Humpfer
- Tanja Hirschfeld
Opening Reception
9th of July 2016, 7:30 pm, Fousion Gallery