NFT BCN 2022
Reial Cercle Artístic
Carrer dels Arcs 5
08002 Barcelona
NFT Barcelona 2022 exhibited 40 established and emerging artists in a 1200 m2 exhibition space located at the center of Barcelona. The first edition of NFT BCN 2022, from May 26 to June 12, was the first time that an NFT event dedicated exclusively to art, artistic creation and collecting was held, bringing the world of art and technology NFT to a wider audience.
Apart from a physical exhibition at the Reial Cercle Artístic, it proposes workshops and talks for professionals from the art world: traditional artists as well as digital artists, apart from collectors, art centers, fairs, auction houses and galleries.
NFT Barcelona is held in a historic palace, located in the city center, it’s the base of the Reial Cercle Artístic, a nonprofit association founded by artists for artists in 1881.
Key Goals
- Onboarding of Art Professionals into NFTs
- Bringing cross-chain Art NFTs and Web 3 technologies to a wider audience
- Create buzz around Art NFTs, specially within the traditional Art Institutions, through workshops, lectures, round tables, networking meetings, exhibitions and live performances specifically designed to the Art World professionals
- Providing activities centred on Artists, Collectors, Art Galleries, Art Fairs, Auction Houses, Marketplaces, Art Dealers, Cultural Entities and their environment
- Getting the general public closer to Art NFTs by providing open access and spontaneous walk-ins to an NFT exhibition
Anna Carreras, Adrià Gil, Alba G. Corral, Alberto de Blobs, Aleix Fernandez, All In Pixel, Annie Max, Bigas Luna, Bubbles, Civit, Daniel Julià, David Shot, Dilka Bear, Dunja Janković, Entter & Mónica Rikic, Flan, Ilan Katin, Javier Arrés, Justin Case, Laprisamata, Karla Kracht, Kenor, Miss Van, Moorrow, Mohsen Hazrati, Nikka Bionikka, Pablo Alpe, Solimán Lopez, SheOne, Sr Arribas, Skount, Tara MCpherson, Víctor Arce, Victor Castillo, Will Barras, Xavier Magaldi, 319
Past Events
6:30–9:00 pm Reial Cercle Artístic – Opening Reception Exhibition
Carrer dels Arcs 5, 08002 Barcelona
5:00–6:00 pm Sala dels Atlants – ¿Por qué es un NFT? – Paul Waelder
TALK (ES) / Free entrance
6:30–8:00 pm, Sala dels Atlants – NFT Boom lights and shadows
ROUND TABLE (ES) / Free entrance
Invited: Tomm Zardoz, Pau Waelder, Solimán López
7:00–8:00 pm, Sala Brindis – NFTQUÉ? Introducción a los NFTs – Raúl Entter
WORSHOP (ES) / Ticket: 45 €
4:00–7:00 pm, Sala dels Atlants – Crea tus NFTs en Tezos – Tomm Zardoz
WORKSHOP (ES) / Ticket 105 €
7:30–8:30 pm, Colonialismo, COVID y NFTs Huc et Nunc – Tomm Zardoz
CONFERENCE (ES) / Free entrance
4:00–7:00 pm, Sala dels Atlants – Crea tus NFTs en Near – Lenara Verle
WORKSHOP (ES) / Ticket 105 €
7:30–8:30 pm, Sala dels Atlants – NFTs Históricos. NFTs antes del ERC-721 – Tomas Zardoz
CONFERENCE (ES) / Free entrance
6:30-9 pm, Sala dels Atlants – PRESENTATIONS
PRESENTATIONS / Free entrance
Presentation of:
Barcelona StreetArt Collective
Microcosmos Bigas Luna
Vottun. Nubia.
6:00–7:30 pm, Sala Brindis – Round Table Galleries
ROUND TABLE / Free entrance
Los Tokens No Fungibles están para quedarse. Cómo integrar los NFTs en el ecosistema del arte español
Moderator: Jasmin Waschl / Fousion Gallery
Invited: Espronceda, Durán Gallery, Pere Soldevila